

4/09/2012 07:08:00 PM

Content Optimization

To create a good user experience on my blog, I try to optimize my content by doing as mentioned below:

1. Avoid spelling mistakes and grammatical error in the content.
2. Avoid using Flash animations and graphics and less links included in an image map because Search Engines cannot read the text in a graphics.
3. Avoid using graphic buttons or image maps in the Internal Linking Structure.
4. Content is one of the major for ranking well in search result pages. Search Engines do not give much importance to Title Tag; Meta Tags when compare to content in ranking pages.
5. Content should be Unique and SEO Friendly.
6. Create content primarily for your users, not search engines.
7. Don’t dump large amounts of text on varying topics onto a page without paragraph, subheading, or layout separation.
8. Don’t use the copied content in the webpage’s.
9. Embedding text in images for textual content.
10. Maintain the keyword the keyword density between 4% to 5%.
11. Optimize page text by using keyword phrases within your <body> area.
12. Start the sentences with your target keyword phrases.
13. Strong the keywords in the content at least for 5 times for target keywords.
14. The page Title and Content of the webpage is (<body>text within this area</body>) are the two most critical aspects of Website optimization.
15. Use keyword phrase multiple times in the body text.
16. Write keyword-rich content that focuses on the 'theme' for that particular page.

There you go about how I optimize my content, hopefully can help you to reach a good user experience.

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